In The News

VSH Elects New Officers

December 12, 2014

The Board of Directors of Virginia Supportive Housing elected the following slate of officers at its meeting on Dec. 2, 2014:

President: Susan Siegfried, Esq.
Community Volunteer

Vice President: Jim Banta
President, James Banta Corp.

Treasurer: Christina Dondarski Waller, CPA
Controller, Power Distribution Inc.

Secretary: Houston Gray
The Houston Group, LLC

Ms. Siegfried has served on the Board since 2009, most recently as vice president and chair of the governance committee. She formerly was an assistant attorney general in Virginia, and served as senior counsel for the Virginia Housing Development Authority. She received her Certificate of Achievement in Nonprofit Management from Virginia Commonwealth University and the Partnership for Nonprofit Excellence in 2012, and was in the 2013-2014 class of the Emerging Nonprofit Leaders Program sponsored by VCU and the Partnership for Nonprofit Excellence.

Russell T. Aaronson, who served on the Board for seven years and was president for the last two, will continue to serve on the executive committee as immediate past president. He is the executive vice president and general counsel for GrayCo, Inc.

In addition to Ms. Waller, Charmaine Rochester, PhD, CPA, vice president of finance for Bon Secours Hampton Roads joined the Board,. She will serve on the finance committee.

New appointees earlier in 2014 include Anne Thomas Hines, owner of Thomas-Hines Interiors in Richmond, and Stacy Brinkley, executive director of Hospital Hospitality House in Richmond. Both serve on the mission advancement committee, which Ms. Hines will chair in 2015.



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VSH Joins the Governor’s Push to House More Veterans

December 8, 2014

Virginia Supportive Housing is boosting its efforts to serve veterans by participating in the 100 Homes in 100 Days campaign launched by Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe on Sept. 24, 2014.

See Governor’s news release.

Virginia Supportive Housing already administers the largest and longest-running Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program in Virginia, funded by the Veterans Administration, to serve more than 400 veteran households annually.

“We provide rapid access to rental housing for veterans experiencing homelessness and work to prevent veterans who are unstably housed from losing their housing,” says Libby Tofflemire, Virginia Supportive Housing’s SSVF team manager.

To learn more, visit How We Help and click Supportive Services for Veteran Families.

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Stephanie’s Heroes: Shawn Bradley

December 2, 2013

A Charlottesville veteran is turning his life around after struggling with alcoholism, being homeless and dealing with chronic medical issues. People who know Shawn Bradley say he’s their role model for inspiring other to do the same.

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Young philanthropists make difference by volunteering

November 29, 2013

The little boy in the red shirt couldn’t speak much, and Haley Rising didn’t have much experience with autism, but together they created something special at the Children’s Museum of Richmond.

Read full article via Richmond Times Dispatch

Company News for Nov. 25

November 25, 2013 Read full article via Richmond Times Dispatch
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