There is value in painting walls and raking leaves!

Posted on November 30, 2010

This week’s blog was written by VSH’s volunteer program coordinator, Alison Jones-Nassar.

Watching School Pride last Friday night, I had an epiphany about the importance of our property projects. Environment matters. I’m not really a TV watcher and we don’t have cable, so I have never seen channels like HGTV and DIY that others rave about. In addition, we don’t own a home so I could care less about shows like Extreme Makeover. But even with the recent housing crash, home ownership is still at the heart of the American Dream, and entire industries have developed around the idea of transforming one’s house into The Dream Home. From books and magazines to tools and accessories to contractors and designers, we are ready to invest fortunes into our personal spaces. For some it’s merely irresistible but for others it’s downright addictive.

At the core of it all is a fundamental psychological truth: we need beauty, color, symmetry, light, harmony, and balance in our physical surroundings….It’s a fact. A wealth of research confirms our intuitive understanding that environment affects everything from mood and behavior to cognitive performance. Although Maslow’s hierarchy assigns the importance of shelter to the bottom of the pyramid, the importance of securing, personalizing, and decorating one’s shelter represents an act of self-actualization that fulfills our deepest needs for esteem, achievement, and belonging.

Environment really does matter.

And yet it somehow feels wrong, too self-absorbed, to fluff our personal nests in these days when so many are going through foreclosure and bankruptcy, when family homelessness is on the rise and personal wealth only underscores the widening gap in our country between the minority haves and the majority have nots.

School Pride comes along at a perfect time, combining two hardwired instincts – our selfish desire for beautiful spaces with our selfless need to help those around us who are less fortunate – to create a “reality” show that actually seems worthwhile. Public school systems are facing unprecedented budget crises and kids are suffering as a result. Enrichment classes are getting cut, buildings are crumbling, and teachers are struggling to make do with minimal resources.

But can we really change lives with a fresh paint job and new desks? The answer comes from the kids themselves: “It made me feel for the first time like somebody cared.” “I felt like I mattered.” “I felt like we weren’t so forgotten.” “It made me feel like we belonged.” Subjective statements are one thing. Objective measurements are another. The show ends by documenting the grade point increases and test score improvements that resulted from the cosmetic upgrades.

So what does this have to do with VSH’s volunteer program? We offer many opportunities for volunteers to paint and clean and landscape throughout the year. These are opportunities that virtually anyone can take part in, and they are really fun. More than that, they accomplish real work that needs to get done at properties that our formerly homeless clients call Home. But what I have realized is that the real value of these projects goes even beyond that, back to those feelings so well-expressed by the students.

It matters that our clients don’t feel forgotten.
It matters that they feel like someone cares.
It matters that they have a sense of belonging to our community.

For many VSH clients, the emotional support that volunteers provide simply by sprucing up one of our supportive housing properties is in fact a critical element of the healing, recovery, and reintegration process. And in case you’re wondering, our clients not only notice these acts of kindness, but they deeply appreciate them as well. So the next time you question the value of painting walls or raking leaves in the Big Picture scheme of things, just remember one thing: it really does matter!

The Renovation of Monroe Park

Posted on September 21, 2010

Are we really doing a disservice to people who are experiencing homelessness by renovating the park or are we making it a nice place for everyone to visit and use?

If you’ve walked through Monroe Park lately, I think you would agree with me that it is in sad shape and in bad need of a facelift.  After having walked through or by the park numerous times in the last few years, I’m ready for this makeover.  I now have a granddaughter who started her freshman year at VCU and I’ve told her to stay away from the park, especially at night.  Deteriorating and poorly lit places breed crime.

It seems to me the issue isn’t about whether the renovations should happen but whether the renovations will discourage people who are homeless from using the park and in some cases sleeping in the park.  Once the park is renovated, it should be a great place for anyone, regardless of their housing situation.  And, call me crazy, but I don’t think a park bench is a safe place for anyone to sleep.  People who are experiencing homelessness should be inside if at all possible – in housing, preferably permanent housing – but if this is not available, in an emergency shelter.  We have 1000 emergency and transitional beds in this community and we have The Healing Place for folks with substance abuse issues.

Currently there is also a lot of concern over the weekend happenings in the park, where many well-meaning people from various congregations and groups come to provide food, clothes and bedding to those in need.  This is not an organized effort (i.e., no one is in charge) and I have heard complaints that oftentimes trash and stuff that is not picked up by folks is simply left for the City to pick up.

So, is this the best way to feed people on the weekends?  For those of you who don’t know, Freedom House serves a meal on Saturdays at 3:30 and a brunch on Sundays until 2pm.  They will also give bag lunches on Sundays to folks who need them.  The meals are served at the Conrad Center, which is at 17th and O Street.  Meals are also served there during the week in the morning and evenings.  Lunches are served every day by the downtown churches.  So why do people feel compelled to bring food and other things to the folks who are experiencing homelessness who gather in Monroe Park? 

Are we as a community doing this because the folks who gather there need food, clothes or bedding? Or are we doing it because we need to feel like we are doing something to help?

I don’t mean to disparage anyone who has helped people experiencing homelessness in Monroe Park, but I know that Freedom House could use more volunteers to help serve meals. To find out more about opportunities with Freedom House, please contact Christy Ellis, Community Resource Director at 233-4064, est. 209.  VSH also has plenty of opportunities available and would welcome individual and group volunteers who have a passion for helping people in need.

We’ve worked very hard in this community to develop a system of helping people in crisis and I think it works fairly well most of the time.  It is accessible and treats people with respect and dignity.  I don’t think we need to continue to use the park as a place to sleep or as a feeding program on the weekends.  I think it should be a beautiful place where my granddaughter and anyone, including people who are experiencing homelessness, can enjoy all of the time.

Sixteen percent fewer people in Richmond homeless, but the battle is not over…

Posted on September 7, 2010

I have asked Koury Wilson, one of VSH’s fall communications internship candidates, to write this week’s blog. Thanks, Alice

I awoke one morning to News 8 airing recent statistics stating that the number of individuals living on the streets in Richmond has decreased by 16 percent despite the dismal economy.

As a student at Virginia Commonwealth University, it’s not unusual to see many homeless men and women on campus, particularly in Monroe Park.  In many ways, the sight has become synonymous with the VCU experience itself.  It’s also not unusual to hear insensitive comments from students about the prevalence of “the homeless,” but the reality is that these people are struggling to survive and there are many more on the verge of losing their homes.

According to The United Way, “Even though the number of homeless is down, the need in the community for social services and assistance has increased.” So clearly, the battle is not over and we still have a long way to go. With Richmond’s financial crisis and a change of legislature, the state government has made budget cuts to many local agencies and services which cater to these needs.  While 2010 statistics show improvement, with less money for social programs, it’s uncertain how long the city will maintain this decline.  Chances are…not too long.

Virginia Supportive Housing is the only not-for-profit organization in Central Virginia that takes an integrated approach to ending homelessness…and it’s an approach that works. But the current need far exceeds current resources.

Maybe you’re like me and you don’t have the means to financially help every person you come across. But that doesn’t mean you can’t help. I can’t stress enough the importance of two “Vs”: Volunteerism and Voting.

Support VSH with the gift of your time! This non-profit has many meaningful opportunities available, ranging from beautifying its supportive properties, to engaging with clients, to influencing how the message is spread. When you volunteer, you’re not only making a difference in the lives of other people in need, but you’re also benefiting from the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that giving back provides. It’s a win-win.

However, getting involved doesn’t necessarily mean you need to be physically present.  While your involvement is strongly encouraged, donations can make a world of difference to the organization…and a life.  Your donations can help support current services and also assist in developing new services so that more individuals and families can get off the streets.

Homelessness can occur to anyone.  Whether you’re facing the threat of homelessness yourself or are simply interested in learning more about the issue, please register and take part the mid-term elections occurring on Nov. 2.  This is a problem that transcends party lines; all of our elected officials will have a say in how the state budget is distributed and what services need the most attention.  Virginia Supportive Housing counts on the state legislature to help move its mission forward by providing adequate funding.  By exercising your civic duty, you can directly contribute to VSH’s mission to reduce homelessness in Virginia.  So please participate in our democratic system this fall and contribute your time, talents, voice, and resources to put an end to homelessness in our commonwealth. Your support WILL make a difference!

Stories Of Struggle, Endings Of Hope

Posted on August 31, 2010

I have asked Alison Jones-Nassar, VSH’s volunteer program coordinator, to write this week’s blog. Thanks, Alice

Reading an article in this weekend’s Daily Press reminded me of the response I always get whenever I tell someone I work with Virginia Supportive Housing. The circumstances may differ and the details might change slightly, but it’s always a variation on the same theme.

The article, entitled “Mom, Family Escape Homelessness,” describes the efforts of a young Newport News woman, Suzanne Richardson, to overcome a mountain of obstacles in order to avoid a housing crisis and maintain a safe home for her mother, brother, and two young children, Anais (5) and Jamere (1).

Some of the obstacles Suzanne has encountered are the results of mistakes made, starting with her own decision to drop out of high school and her first pregnancy as a teenager. Others are through no fault of her own. Her mother is on disability. The home they were renting went into foreclosure.

Despite some bad judgments, Suzanne has made every attempt to rectify her mistakes for the sake of her family by following the rules. She achieved her GED, went back to college to become a certified massage therapist, and graduated with honors. She found a job and received high recommendations from her supervisor and co-workers.

But in the face of foreclosure, her minimum-wage job could not cover the cost of the security deposit and first month’s rent for a new place. She didn’t have enough money to pay the electricity bills or put food on the table. And then her car broke down.

Combined, the obstacles Suzanne has faced would be enough to overwhelm anyone – and yet she keeps persevering. “I just thought, ‘I’ve got to keep moving. I’ve got to try my best.” She has jumped through all the required hoops, working hard and never asking for favors or special treatment. But somehow, it’s never quite enough.

Whenever I tell someone I work with VSH, this is the story I hear again and again. A brother, a daughter, a friend, a neighbor, someone from the congregation. A lost job, an abusive parent, a divorce, a car breakdown, a medical emergency, an emotional crisis. There are so many stories out there, so many people who are struggling so hard. Some of them, like Suzanne, are barely managing to hold on by the skin of their teeth. Many others are not.

I often wonder how I would cope in a situation like that. If I was in Suzanne’s place, would I have the resilience to keep going? To keep following the rules? To smile for my kids and believe in a happy ending? My work with Virginia Supportive Housing allows me to be a part of an organization that makes a real difference in the lives of people like Suzanne. By getting the community involved in what we do, I help to increase awareness of all those stories out there and mobilize the resources required to help. The good news is that VSH makes happy endings possible. Are you ready to find out more about how you can give someone’s story a happy ending?

In their own words…the Cloverleaf Community Garden

Posted on June 14, 2010

In December 2009, VSH received a generous grant from the Hampton Roads Community Foundation to install a community garden at our Cloverleaf property in Virginia Beach. This exciting project will serve as a pilot for gardens at other VSH properties and will be jointly maintained by Cloverleaf tenants and volunteers.

Community gardens provide a lot more than fresh produce. Here is just a sampling of what the garden has meant to the tenants…

“For me it touches my heart…To be in difficult life turmoil, and homeless…we at Cloverleaf share that common reality…the garden has been a bonding experience of all involved. We all face trials sometimes in life and knowing others truly care…gives each of us [a] new and healthier prospective on life…” – Nancy

“We now have the ability to produce our own flowers and vegetables. Which I feel is very rewarding and a blessing.” -Robin

“I learned a little more about planting seeds, plant[ing] different type[s] of flowers and vegetables. I learn[ed] to eat healthier where I lost 15 lbs and my diabetes is under control, what a great thing.”  – Tyanna

“Community living can be difficult at times, but the garden is a tranquil and therapeutic place, and helps when I’m feeling down or overwhelmed. Each day I am excited to go out to my garden plot and I’m so amazed at how well the plants are thriving.” – Mary

To learn more about the Cloverleaf Community Garden, visit VSH’s Facebook page.

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